
Sumur Keramat Buyut Bejagung Tuban


Nama Bejagung memang tak asing bagi telinga masyarakat Tuban. Karena yang dimaksud pastilah makam keramat Sunan Bejagung yang terdapat di Desa Bejagung Lor, Tuban, Jawa Timur.

Sebenarnya ada dua tempat keramat di Bejagung. Di Desa Bejagung Kidul terdapat makam Pangeran Pangkah, sementara di Bejagung Lor terdapat makam Modin Ashari. Hanya saja, karena di Bejagung Lor terdapat sumur yang kekeramatannya sudah teruji, maka, makam di Bejagung Lor yang lebih dikenal, Sehingga jika kita bertanya tentang Sunan Bejagung, maka jangan heran jika orang akan menunjuk ke Bejagung Lor. Padahal Ietak makam Pangeran Pangkah hanya terpisah beberapa ratus meter dari makam Modin Ashari.

Begitu berhenti dan turun di pinggirari jalan masuk ke komplek makam Sunan Bejagung, aroma khas sebuah makam keramat pun langsung terasakan. Betapa tidak, harumnya bunga-bunga yang dijajakan oleh penduduk setempat akan dengan cepat merasuk ke kalbu lewat rongga hidung. Begitu juga orang-orang tua yang tampak lusuh, saling menadahkan tangan untuk meminta belas kasihan kepada setiap pengunjung makam. Melihat keadaan itu, biasanya, para peziarah akan segera merogoh uang recehan untuk memberi sedekah fakir miskin yang ada di komplek makam Bejagung.

Selain itu ada beberapa hal yang sangat mencolok dan aneh untuk diamati. Maklum, bulan kemarin adalah saat mula pertama menginjakkan kaki di tempat yang diyakini memiliki kekeramatan tinggi karena sebagai tempat bersemayamnya seorang Waliyullah. Satu hal yang kami anggap aneh adalah banyaknya orang berjajar rapih sambil menenteng timba-timba di tangannya. Kebetulan, saat itu, daerah yang satu ini masih belum diguyur hujan. Dan mereka antri untuk mendapatkan setimba air dari sebuah sumur. Tapi bukan karena mereka mengalami krisis air pengantri yang kebanyakan wanita itu ternyata berjajar untuk mendapatkan air dari sumur keramat peninggalan Sunan Bejagung. Dan hebatnya Iagi, kebanyakan yang datang ke tempat ini bukan hanya dari daerah Tuban saja. Sebab ada di antara mereka yang mengaku berasal dari Kabupaten Blora, Bojonegoro, Demak, Surabaya dan beberapa daerah lain. Dan kedatangannya hanya dengan satu maksud, untuk mendapatkan air yang konon dipercaya memiliki khasiat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit.

Selain itu, pemandangan aneh juga tampak pada bangunan sumur tersebut. Tidak seperti pada umumnya, sumur yang satu ini menggunakan alat yang lebih unki. Untuk menaikkan air ke permukaan, ada dua orang petugas yang memutar alat raksasa berupa kayu panggulung tali yang panjangnya sedalam sumur Buyut Bejagung, 26 meter. Meskipun alat unik ini sudah beberapa kali diperbaiki, namun alat tradisional itu jelas telah berumur puluhan tahun. Bahkan menurut salah seorang petugas penimba air, kayu berbentuk persegi yang melindungi mulut sumur konon masih asli peninggalan Sunan Bejagung.

“Dulu ada orang keturunan Cina yang datang ke tempat ini. Dan setelah dua kali mandi dengan air sumur Buyut Bejagung penyakitnya sembuh total,” ungkap seorang wanita paruh baya, penjual botol bekas mineral di tempat ini.

Wanita yang juga memiliki usaha menyewakan timba itu juga menambahkan, “Sejak mengidap penyakit aneh banyak dokter yang didatangi, tetapi sama sekali tidak membuahkan hasil. Bahkan orang itu mengaku kepada saya-sudah menghabiskan uang puluhan juta. Dan setelah mendengar cerita orang, ia pun datang untuk mandi di sini. Dan ternyata, penyakit orang itu sembuh sama sekali. Sejak itu, ia amat percaya dengan khasiat air sumur peninggalan Buyut Bejagung.”

Mbah Warni, seorang nenek asal Semanding, Tuban, juga meyakini bahwa air tersebut bukanlah sembarang air. Oleh karena itu, ia sengaja datang ke tempat itu untuk memandikan cucunya yang masih berusia sekitar 4 tahun. “Putu kulo gerah, bakdo kecelakaan (cucu saya sakit sehabis kecelakaan),” jelas perempuan setengah baya itu sambil memandikan cucu Iaki-Iakinya.

Menurut cerita Mbah Warni, pada Idul Fitri tahun lalu, cucunya ditabrak motor hingga masuk rumah sakit. Karena sekarang sudah sembuh, maka, anak kecil itu sengaja diajak ke Sumur Buyut Bejagung. Tujuannya untuk dimandikan agar kesehatannya dapat segera pulih seperti sediakala.

Karena begitu banyak orang yang percaya akan khasiat air sumur ini, maka tidak usah heran jika tiap malam Jum’at, beberapa kamar mandi yang dibangun permanen di tempat itu dijejali pengunjung untuk mandi. Selain dipercaya bisa menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit kulit, air dari sumur yang memiliki kedalaman 26 meter ini juga dipercaya mampu membuat tubuh atau wajah menjadi awet muda, menyegarkan pikiran dan beberapa kegunaan lainnya.

Dan merupakan hal yang wajar, selain mandi, peziarah yang datang juga menyempatkan diri untuk membawa pulang air keramat itu.

Menurut tutur yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat, sumur Buyut Bejagung adalah sumur kramat peninggalan salah seorang waliyullah. Walau tak jelas silsilahnya, tetapi masyarakat tetap beranggapan jika Sunan Bejagung adalah seorang tokoh kenamaan yang hidup pada masa zaman Wali Sembilan.

“Cuma beliau bukan salah satunya,” jelas Karmani, juru kunci makam Sunan Bejagung. Menurutnya, tempat yang paling ramai dikunjungi orang pada hari Jum’at Wage, adalah makam seorang ulama yang usianya Iebih tua dari Sunan Bonang. Selain itu, beliau juga memiliki kesaktian yang tiada tara. Betapa tidak, di samping sebagai ulama yang melakukan syiar Islam di selatan kota Tuban, Modin Ashari juga bertindak sebagai petugas yang menyalakan Iampu di Masjidil Haram, Mekkah. Tiap petang, betiau pergi ke Masjidil Haram untuk menyalakan lampu dan kembali ke Tuban setelah pekerjaan itu dilaksanakannya. Dan pekerjaan itu, dilakukan tiap hari sampai akhir hayatnya. Yang paling aneh, walau jarak yang terbentang antara Masjidil Haram dengan Tuban sulit untuk dibayangkan, tetapi, beliau mampu mengerjakan hal itu dalam hitungan jam. Agaknya, kelebihan inilah yang membuat Wali Songo amat menghormati keberadaan beliau.

Dan selain meninggalkan banyak santri yang tersebar di seantero penjuru kota Tuban, Modin Ashari juga meninggalkan beberapa bangunan yang sampai sekarang masih terawat dan terlestarikan dengan baik. Di antaranya adalah sebuah sumur dan masjid. Dan sebagai tanda bakti kepada para pendahulu yang telah berjasa besar di dalam melakukan syiar Islam, tak heran, jika sampai sekarang makam Modin Ashari, istri dan anaknya masih terawat dengan apik. Bahkan, pada saat-saat tertentu makamnya juga ramai dikunjungi orang untuk berziarah dan bertawasul. Maksudnya, selain berdo’a, para peziarah juga dapat mengambil hikmah dari apa yang pernah dilakukan oleh almarhum semasa hidupnya. Berjuang tanpa pamrih untuk kejayaan Islam. Semoga. ©️KyaiPamungkas

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Testosil is a natural polyherbal testosterone booster designed to help men increase their testosterone levels safely and effectively.

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The human body can continue to live thanks to the correct functioning of certain systems. If even one of these systems does not work properly, it can cause problems in human life

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Erectin is a clinically-proven dietary supplement designed to enhance male sexual performance. Packed with powerful ingredients, it targets the root causes of erectile dysfunction

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Sugar Balance is an ultra-potent blood sugar supplement that you can use to help control glucose levels, melt away fat and improve your overall health.

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SightCare formula aims to maintain 20/20 vision without the need for any surgical process. This supplement is a perfect solution for people facing issues as they grow older.

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Sugar Defender is a natural supplement that helps control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of diabetes, improve heart health, and boost energy.

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TestRX™ is a bodybuilding supplement. It’s formulated with high-quality natural ingredients proven to boost natural testosterone and stimulate muscle growth.

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KeraBiotics is a meticulously-crafted natural formula designed to help people dealing with nail fungus. This solution, inspired by a sacred Amazonian barefoot tribe ritual, reintroduces good bacteria that help you maintain the health of your feet while rebuilding your toenails microbiome. This will create a protective shield for your skin and nails.

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ExtenZe™ is a popular male enhancement pill that claims to increase a male’s sexual performance by improving erection size and increasing vigor. It enhances blood circulation, increases testosterone production, and enhances stamina.

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Sugar Defender is a natural supplement that helps control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of diabetes, improve heart health, and boost energy.

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SightCare formula aims to maintain 20/20 vision without the need for any surgical process. This supplement is a perfect solution for people facing issues as they grow older.

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FitSpresso is a natural dietary supplement designed to help with weight loss and improve overall health. It contains ingredients that have been studied clinically, which work together to promote healthy fat burning and enhance your metabolism!

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Cerebrozen is an excellent liquid ear health supplement purported to relieve tinnitus and improve mental sharpness, among other benefits. The Cerebrozen supplement is made from a combination of natural ingredients, and customers say they have seen results in their hearing, focus, and memory after taking one or two droppers of the liquid solution daily for a week.

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Erectonol is a potent male health formula that has been garnering a lot of hype. This stamina and strength booster is developed with a combination of potent extracts.

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Glucotil supports healthy blood sugar levels with a proprietary blend of 12 powerful tropical nutrients and plants that are backed by clinical research.

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Lean Gene™ is an all-natural and safe-to-take dietary supplement that shows you how to reactivate your metabolism in just five seconds.

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Nagano Lean Body Tonic is a groundbreaking powdered supplement crafted to support your weight loss journey effortlessly.

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Puralean is an all-natural dietary supplement designed to support boosted fat-burning rates, energy levels, and metabolism by targeting healthy liver function.

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Sugar Defender is the rated blood sugar formula with an advanced blend of 24 proven ingredients that support healthy glucose levels and natural weight loss.

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Serolean, a revolutionary weight loss supplement, zeroes in on serotonin—the key neurotransmitter governing mood, appetite, and fat storage.

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SynoGut is an all-natural dietary supplement that is designed to support the health of your digestive system, keeping you energized and active.

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Testosil is a natural polyherbal testosterone booster designed to help men increase their testosterone levels safely and effectively.

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AeroSlim is a potent solution designed to increase your Metabolic Respiration rate, giving you all the help you need to start breathing out that stubborn fat.

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Boostaro is a dietary supplement designed specifically for men who suffer from health issues.

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KeraBiotics is a meticulously-crafted natural formula designed to help people dealing with nail fungus. This solution, inspired by a sacred Amazonian barefoot tribe ritual

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LeanBliss simplifies the path to a healthier you, offering natural support in managing blood sugar, potentially reducing cravings, and aiding weight management. More than a supplement, LeanBliss is your companion on the road to a balanced and healthier lifestyle. Embrace its simplicity for a transformative wellness experience.

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SonoFit ear drops are a serum formulated with high-quality herbs and natural ingredients. It can help people who suffer from tinnitus, which is an unpleasant ringing in the ears.

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Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a powerful weight loss supplement that has been designed using the best ingredients and techniques. It is not only helpful in triggering the process of fat-burning but also helps in ensuring a range of major health benefits

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Game ZXC delivers content written by gamers for gamers with an emphasis on news, reviews, unique features, and interviews.

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testosil 6th Mei 2024 at 3:19 am

Testosil is a natural polyherbal testosterone booster designed to help men increase their testosterone levels safely and effectively.

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KeraBiotics is a meticulously-crafted natural formula designed to help people dealing with nail fungus. This solution, inspired by a sacred Amazonian barefoot tribe ritual

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Nagano Lean Body Tonic is a groundbreaking powdered supplement crafted to support your weight loss journey effortlessly.

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Sugar Defender is a natural supplement that helps control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of diabetes, improve heart health, and boost energy.

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ZenCortex Research’s contains only the natural ingredients that are effective in supporting incredible hearing naturally.A unique team of health and industry professionals dedicated to unlocking the secrets of happier living through a healthier body.

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MenoPhix is a menopause relief supplement featuring a blend of plant extracts to target the root cause of menopause symptoms.

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BalMorex Pro is an exceptional solution for individuals who suffer from chronic joint pain and muscle aches. With its 27-in-1 formula comprised entirely of potent and natural ingredients, it provides unparalleled support for the health of your joints, back, and muscles.

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Peak BioBoost is a revolutionary dietary supplement that leverages the power of nature to support and improve your digestive system.

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GutOptim is a digestive health supplement designed to support your gut and stomach. It restore balance in gut flora and reduce the symptoms of digestive disorders.

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Burn Boost Powder™ is a proven weight loss powder drink that helps to lose weight and boosts the overall metabolism in the body.

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DuoTrim is an innovative weight loss supplement that utilizes the power of natural plants and nutrients to create CSM bacteria

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Dentitox Pro is a liquid dietary solution created as a serum to support healthy gums and teeth. Dentitox Pro formula is made in the best natural way with unique, powerful botanical ingredients that can support healthy teeth.

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PureLumin Essence is a meticulously-crafted natural formula designed to help women improve the appearance of age spots.

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GlucoFlush is an advanced formula specially designed for pancreas support that will let you promote healthy weight by effectively maintaining the blood sugar level and cleansing and strengthening your gut.

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Alpha Tonic is a powder-based supplement that uses multiple natural herbs and essential vitamins and minerals to help optimize your body’s natural testosterone levels.

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Vivo Tonic is a remarkable blood sugar support nutritional supplement that offers a wide range of benefits.

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DentiCore is a dental and gum health formula, made with premium natural ingredients.

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Nervogen Pro is an effective dietary supplement designed to help patients with neuropathic pain. When you combine exotic herbs, spices, and other organic substances, your immune system will be strengthened.

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VivoTonic™ is a 11-in-1 vital blood sugar support formula that may improve how the metabolism goes after the calories that consumers eat.

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AquaPeace is an all-natural nutritional formula that uses a proprietary and potent blend of ingredients and nutrients to improve overall ear and hearing health and alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus.

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FoliPrime is a simple serum containing a blend of vitamins designed to boost hair health. FoliPrime has 100 percent natural substances that enhance and supplement the vitamins in the scalp to promote hair growth.

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Gut Vita™ is a daily supplement that helps consumers to improve the balance in their gut microbiome, which supports the health of their immune system. It supports healthy digestion, even for consumers who have maintained an unhealthy diet for a long time.

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Neuro-Thrive is a brain health supplement that claims to promote good memory and thinking skills and better quality sleep. This nootropic supplement achieves its cause with its potent blend of natural compounds and extracts that are proven to be effective in sharpening mental acuity.

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Fast Lean Pro is a herbal supplement that tricks your brain into imagining that you’re fasting and helps you maintain a healthy weight no matter when or what you eat. It offers a novel approach to reducing fat accumulation and promoting long-term weight management.

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The ProNail Complex is a meticulously-crafted natural formula which combines extremely potent oils and skin-supporting vitamins.

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Erectin is a clinically-proven dietary supplement designed to enhance male

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PowerBite stands as an innovative dental candy, dedicated to nurturing healthy teeth and gums. Infused with a potent formula, it champions the cause of a robust and radiant smile. Crafted meticulously

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Protoflow is a prostate health supplement featuring a blend of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, fruit extracts, and more.

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Unlock the incredible potential of Puravive! Supercharge your metabolism and incinerate calories like never before with our unique fusion of 8 exotic components. Bid farewell to those stubborn pounds and welcome a reinvigorated metabolism and boundless vitality. Grab your bottle today and seize this golden opportunity!

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Zoracel is an extraordinary oral care product designed to promote healthy teeth and gums, provide long-lasting fresh breath, support immune health, and care for the ear, nose, and throat.

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Cerebrozen is an excellent liquid ear health supplement purported to relieve tinnitus and improve mental sharpness, among other benefits. The Cerebrozen supplement is made from a combination of natural ingredients, and customers say they have seen results in their hearing, focus, and memory after taking one or two droppers of the liquid solution daily for a week.

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The human body can continue to live thanks to the correct functioning of certain systems. If even one of these systems does not work properly, it can cause problems in human life.

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Pineal XT is a revolutionary supplement that promotes proper pineal gland function and energy levels to support healthy body function.

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Introducing TerraCalm, a soothing mask designed specifically for your toenails. Unlike serums and lotions that can be sticky and challenging to include in your daily routine, TerraCalm can be easily washed off after just a minute.

AmdbBlush 7th Mei 2024 at 11:20 pm Reply
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VidaCalm is an all-natural blend of herbs and plant extracts that treat tinnitus and help you live a peaceful life.

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Are you tired of looking in the mirror and noticing saggy skin? Is saggy skin making you feel like you are trapped in a losing battle against aging? Do you still long for the days when your complexion radiated youth and confidence?

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HoneyBurn is a revolutionary liquid weight loss formula that stands as the epitome of excellence in the industry.

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Keravita Pro™ is a dietary supplement created by Benjamin Jones that effectively addresses nail fungus and hair loss, promoting the growth of healthier and thicker nails and hair. The formula is designed to target the underlying causes of these health issues and provide comprehensive treatment.

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